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Professional Goal

I am an artist looking to work in the animation and entertainment industry. I am looking for visual development work ranging from illustration, concept work, or background layout designer/painter.


My strongest influences include studios that are trying new things in the arts entertainment industry by mixing mediums. Such as SPA Studios using traditional 2D animation with 3D lighting in their movie “Klaus” or the new short film from Disney Animation Studios “Far From the Tree” which incorporated 3D animated characters that looked 2D animated and watercolor backgrounds. Another favorite influence is Sony Animation that did “Spider-man into the Spider-Verse” which really uses the fact that the medium is animation to its advantage with the camera angles, transition, cut away scenes and yet it still feels like a comic book. 


I love learning new techniques in animation and illustration because that allows me to grow as an artist.  I am excited to see how the arts entertainment industry is constantly evolving and I am excited to be part of the next era of innovative artists in the industry.




I am a recent graduate from Wheaton College with a BFA in fine arts with a concentration in animation, motion graphics and illustration.


While at Wheaton, I spent an academic year abroad studying Manga and Traditional Japanese Ceramics at Kansai Gaidai University in Hirakata,Osaka. I studied under Bon Won Koo Sensei who is currently a practicing mangaka and she taught me the in-outs of Japanese manga making. Understanding what it takes to make a great dynamic storyboard and how to print your own manga book. In Japanese Ceramics I was taught by Yuki Mastuba Sensei who is a fine ceramicist holding galleries throughout Japan. Through him I was able to learn the traditional Japanese way of making pottery by removing clay rather than adding.


At Wheaton I learned the basics of 2d animation and stop motion as well as producing my own projects under Professor Karen Knighton who was an Associate Producer at Stoopid Buddies. Learning the basics really grounded my love for animation and visual storytelling. My early passion for animation and illustration started while I was attending the High School of Art and Design in NYC as an AP illustration student with a concentration in East Asian Identity in America. 



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